Thursday, June 3, 2010

Toxic Before Birth

Research shows that there isn't enough being done to protect unborn babies from toxic chemicals before birth. The Grays are a couple who had been trying to have a child, but kept having miscarriages. No matter who many times they tried, each pregnancy ended in the same result. As many couple do they wondered if chemicals in the enviroment were effecting their chances at carring out a full pregnancy. A study showed that hundreded of mothers are giving birth to babies with chemicals in their bodies. Studies are also showing that the level of chemicals that are in the babies body when born is related to how many health problems the babies have at birth. This is really scary. We have a lot of pollution in the United States, and I feel that this might be unavoidable. It will be interesting to see what more studies come up with on this subject, and if researchers come up with any kind of solution.

Cited Source: CNN NEWS

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