Thursday, June 3, 2010

BP's attemps to stop oil leak failed

BP caused one of the largest (if not the largest) oil spills ever to occur here in the U.S. They have made numerous attempts to stop the leaking, but all attempts have failed. They can't even think about getting the spill cleaned up when the leak isn't even stopped yet. It is noted that if the spill isn't contained that the oil will continue to leak into the ocean until August. So many people's lives are being affect by this incidents. Fisherman cannot make a living because they can't fish to sell for a profit. Animals are also dying because of the affects of the oil. I feel that we should not be drilling for oil in any type of water enviroment. I feel like we should only be drilling for oil on land. If we had an oil spill on land it would be much easier to clean up than it is now when it's all in the water.

Cited Source: CNN NEWS

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