Thursday, June 3, 2010

Kid Burglar Shot

A 5th grader in Brunswick Georgia decided to break into a house with two of his friends. They were supposed to be swimming at the local pool but decided to do otherwise. Police don't know why the boys chose this specific house because the owner's had both of their cars visibly parked in front of the house showing that they were home. The man of the house had a gun, and when the three boys broke in two of them ran but one didn't. That boy was shot by the home owner. He was shot once in the back and died as a result of the injury. At a press conference the boy's bother said she didn't blame the home owner for what happened. She gave a short message to all kids to listen to their parents and do what their parents tell them. Her son didn't, and as a result of his bad decision he was killed. Police won't release any other details as of now. I can't believe a 5th grader would break into a house. I don't think I even really knew what they was or what it meant to break into a house when I was in 5th grade. The mother of the boy seemed like a very kind and responsible woman so maybe the boy just got mixed up with the wrong group of friends. I feel that parents should keep a closer eye on their children, especially at that age. Kids do a lot of stuff at a young age these days; stuff kids never did when I was that young.

Cited Source: CNN NEWS

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