Thursday, February 18, 2010

Issue #2- Spending What We Can't Afford

One current issue in the United States is the government spending money that we don't have. If we exceed the budget it's called a budget deficit. This means that the government must then borrow money, which worries many people including economists. When the U.S. treasury has to borrow money they are competing with other people and businesses for loans which can raise interest rates and make it difficult for Americans to borrow for private investment. Borrowing money puts the U.S. in debt and we have to pay interest on that debt. Our current debt is estimated to be around 12,500,000,000,000 and growing. Our deficit is said to run around 1,500,000,000,000. The new "paygo" or "pay as you go" rule states that new mandatory spending proposals or tax reductions must be offset by cuts in other mandatory spending or by tax increases to ensure that the deficit will not continue to rise. The goal is for the deficit to go down, but if it doesn't go down we at least need it to stay the same. Their is however, another viewpoint on "pay as you go." Critics of "pay as you go" say it's not as simple as the government is making it seem, and as easy as Americans think it will be. Critics say the White House has a long history of waiving its requirments, and that they believe "pay as you go" will not be the quick fix individuals think it will be and that in the long run it will not lower our national debt/budget deficit.

I believe that the "pay as you go" law is a good idea. I know it will not magically make our debt disappear, but it's the first of many steps. If we don't do something now our country will go down the drain completely. I feel that we need to have another plan(s) to get the national debt under control. The problem is so large that this one little plan is not enough to get the job done. I think our country is great, but it could be so much more than it is now if we had freedom from the budget deficit and national debt. It's kind of a common sense law if you think about it. Don't dig the hole any deeper! Many people feel that it's now impossible to pay off the U.S.'s debt, but just like anything else I feel it's worth a shot. Trying is better than not, and it can't do any harm when the plan is to better America. The government is spending all the money on things such as the current and past wars, human resources, and general government. President Obama believes in "pay as you go" and here you will find his views and the views of others on the issues of govenment spending. I think the scariest thing for Americans right now is knowing that there isn't a whole lot they can do about it. They are basically forced to sit back and go along for the ride.

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