Thursday, April 1, 2010

SeaWorld Trainer Dies Due to Killer Whale

40 year old Dawn Brancheau was a trainer at SeaWorld. She was working on training a 12,000 pound Whale named Tilikum. She was with Tilikum in knee-deep water. The Whale got very aggressive and started to attack Brancheau. After seising her the Whale drug her deep under the water. The resucers could not immediately get to her because of the Whales aggressive nature. The Whale had to be coaxed into a separate small pool so they could get to her. 40 minutes after the attack her body was finally retrived. "The autopsy report by the Orange County, Florida, medical examiner's office says Brancheau's spinal cord was severed, and she sustained fractures to her jawbone, ribs and to a cervical vertebra, in addition to the drowning." This Whale is blamed for two other deaths also, one in 1991 and one in 1999. People should not be working with animals of this nature. Especially ones that are blamed for two other deaths in previous years. They are meant to be in the wild not trained and around humans. I think training of Whales should be banned here in the U.S.

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