Thursday, March 25, 2010

Man Let Go Due to Medical Marijuana Use

Wal-Mart has a policy that if drugs are found in your system while random drug testing, you will be fired even if it is doctor prescribed. A Wal-Mart employee in a Michigan store (Joseph Casias) who got the award for Associate of the Year in 2008 was fired because Marijuana was found in a random drug test done on him. He was a hard-working dedicated employee who has Sinus Cancer, and a brain tumor pressing on his skull. He was prescribed the narcotic to relax him and ease the pain. 14 of our states here in America have now made it legal to use medical Marijuana if prescribed by a doctor; Michigan is one of these 14 states. I feel extremely sorry for this man. I believe Wal-Mart was definitely in the wrong when it came to firing Casias. You cannot descriminate again an individual for using Marijuana when it is legal, and prescribed by a licensed physician. If you were sick and in extreme pain, you would take the medicine that would make you feel better- that's what Casias did, it just so happens the medication that helps his illness is a narcotic. A legal one though- Wal-Mart should have to pay him a large sum of money for the damages done not only financially, but emotionally.

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HealthCare Blog-

Personally, I am on the fence when it comes to this issue. I'm glad that the bill was passed, and that the government is finally making some progess with the whole situation. It felt like we would never get anything resolved before. However, I feel that it should not be the law that everyone must have it. What if someone doesn't wish to have it? We all have rights, and it feels like they are kind of taking those away since we have to have Health Insurance, or pay a fine. From what I've heard people my age will get it for dirt cheap though, which is definately a positive, but everyone's idea of cheap is very different based on their income and living situation. Once I hear more, or find out more about it then I feel I will be able to take a definite side, but for now I'm still weighing out the positives and negatives.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Prom Cancelation Due to Gay Rights Controversy

Constance McMillen is a high school student in Mississippi; She is also a Lesbian. After expressing her plan to attend her high school's prom with her girlfriend the school faculty denied her the right to go to prom. Constance was also planning on wearing a tuxedo to express her Gay Rights. After being turned down from her school's prom she went to U.S. District Judge Glen H. Davidson. Constance pleaded that her first amendment rights were being violated by not being able to wear a tux to the prom and go with her girlfriend. Judge Davidson agreed and ruled that her high school MUST allow her into the prom with any date she wishes and wearing anything she wishes whether it be a dress or a tuxedo. McMillen's high school had something to say about the judges ruling; or I should say something to do about the ruling. Her high school canceled the prom completely which was scheduled to proceed on April 2nd. I think this is extremely ridiculous. You wouldn't tell someone they can't go to prom just because their skin color is something other than white, so why would you tell someone they can't go to prom because their sexual orientation is something other than straight? I feel this was blown way out of proportion and something was made out of nothing. And to make the whole situation worse, the school completely canceled the prom because the ruling wasn't in their favor. If you are this prejudice what kind of example are you setting for all the other kids at the school? Not a very good one..! I feel that the teachers at the school need to grow up and act like adults and accept each person for who they are, and embrace their uniqueness and originality. We are all equal, and nobody is better than anybody else.

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