Thursday, January 21, 2010

Haiti Survial Stories Come as No Shock

Hundreds of individuals in Haiti are being found alive days after being burried beneath rubble-like substances without food or water. Doctors that are in Haiti helping to treat all victims after the Earthquake are actually saying that these people's strength to pull through surprisingly isn't shocking to them. Doctors are saying that people can actually go "10, 12, 13 days without really having a problem." It especially helps if you were already healthy to begin with before such diasters occur. The body can endure more than most would think, and of course will have many issues after a situtation like this but with rehydration can become stable and get back to normal living. One might think that you would want to rehydrate the vicims very quickly, but that is a very bad idea. Rehydration should be a slow process, and if done too quickly the body may become overwhelmed and you can actually do more harm. I think it is awful that such a tragedy has occured, but it is inspiring to hear all of these wonderful stories about people surving such conditions and the millions of dollars that have beend donated to help get as much relief as possible!

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